Welcome to our Coaching Vlog!
Each week we bring you coaching tools, tips and resources to help you to be the best coach and leader you can be. So if you want to make an impact and also develop your own inner coach then this is the place to be!
Visit us here each week or join our community where we'll share our weekly videos direct to your 'door'
NEVER MISS AN EPISODE AND JOIN OUR COMMUNITYEpisode 58 - 10 Questions to Work with Emotions in Coaching
Emotions are a universal human experience and yet many of us as coaches and leaders are unsure what to do when emotions come up in conversations.
In this episode Zoe and Jo share with you 10 questions you can use in coaching conversations to hold space for emotions and enable clients to feel deeply listened.
If you’d like to join the monthly membership we mention in this video head over to www.igcompany.co.uk/lounge to join us there.
Love coaching? Come and join our FREE Facebook Group "The Coaching Crowd" for a community of supportive aspiring and practicing coaches.
Want to get your hands on our FREE GROW MODEL coaching resource with over 70 coaching questions - you can download that here (The Grow model was first developed by Sir John Whitmore)
Episode 57 - Coaching as a Duo
1:1 Coaching is well known in the industry now so what about 2:1 coaching. How does that work?
What’s that about? In this week’s video Jo and Zoe talk about coaching as a Duo, why they’ve started this work and ask questions of you as coaches and leaders about ideas you have for innovating in the industry.
If you’d like to join the monthly membership we mention in this video head over to www.igcompany.co.uk/lounge to join us there.
Love coaching? Come and join our FREE Facebook Group "The Coaching Crowd" for a community of supportive aspiring and practicing coaches.
Want to get your hands on our FREE GROW MODEL coaching resource with over 70 coaching questions - you can download that here (The Grow model was first developed by Sir John Whitmore)
Episode 56 - 10 ways to grow a sustainable coaching business
When you set out to become a coach it’s often a journey that is passion filled and purpose led, and the journey to getting consistent income and a steady stream of clients isn’t always straightforward.
Here are some tips and insights from our journey to help you with establishing or growing your coaching business.
If you’d like to join the monthly membership we mention in this video head over to www.igcompany.co.uk/lounge to join us there.
Love coaching? Come and join our FREE Facebook Group "The Coaching Crowd" for a community of supportive aspiring and practicing coaches.
Want to get your hands on our FREE GROW MODEL coaching resource with over 70 coaching questions - you can download that here (The Grow model was first developed by Sir John Whitmore)
Episode 55 - The Pre Coaching Questionnaire
Not all coaches use a pre-coaching questionnaire when onboarding new clients but for us it’s one of the most useful documents in getting to know our new clients. In this video we share with you our experiences of using a pre-coaching questionnaire and why we see it as one of the fundamental steps in coaching.
Love coaching? Come and join our FREE Facebook Group "The Coaching Crowd" for a community of supportive aspiring and practicing coaches.
Want to get your hands on our FREE GROW MODEL coaching resource with over 70 coaching questions - you can download that here
(The Grow model was first developed by Sir John Whitmore)
Episode 54 - So what is Transformational Coaching?
We find that when you start talking to people about coaching there's a really varied understanding of what coaching is, and what it's not. Through other terms into the mix such as Transformational Coaching and it's easy to get lost in jargon. In this video Jo and Zoe share more on their style of coaching and more about what Transformational Coaching is and where this sits in the coaching industry. So if you're interested in learning more about coaching. Why not start here!
Love coaching? Come and join our FREE Facebook Group
Want to get your hands on our FREE GROW MODEL coaching resource with over 70 coaching questions - you can download that here
(The Grow model was first developed by Sir John Whitmore)
Episode 53 - Conscious Competence Model
Learning anything new can be exciting and invigorating. For many people it can also surface feelings of insecurity and discomfort. All of those emotions are a normal part of learning and as leaders and coaches it's useful to remind ourselves that the path of acquiring new skills and strengths isn't always linear and easy! As a compassionate and courageous leader/coach its our role to help our clients understand how they may experience the learning journey and normalise the emotions that this may involve.
Love coaching? Come and join our FREE Facebook Group "The Coaching Crowd".
Episode 52 - Group Coaching
Many coaches choose to take their 1:1 coach training into working with groups and teams, AND many leaders are often working with groups and unknowingly engaging in group coaching. So today, we're here to share our experience of group coaching and some of the things to look out for, take care of and bring to coaching groups and teams. Love Coaching?
Episode 51 - When is the right time to invest in your Coach CPD
Once you become a coach, the learning never stops, but when is the right time to invest in your CPD?
In this video Jo and Zoe share some of their experiences with their professional development and the path that they have taken to become the Master Accredited Coaches that they are today.
Love coaching? Come and join our Facebook Group "The Coaching Crowd" at www.facebook.com/groups/thecoachingcrowd
Episode 50 - 10 Things You Need To Know Before Training As A Coach
Investing in coaching training often feels like a big decision, and we hear people asking "is now the right time?" and "Am I a good fit for coaching?". So here we share 10 things you need to know before training to be a coach. We hope you find it useful
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Episode 49 - Coaching Demonstration using the GAP concept.
Coaching is about helping someone move from where they are now, to where they want be, and to do that coaching must be on 'The Gap' - the thing that is missing or getting in the way of the client being able to achieve it - not on the outcome itself. When you first engage with a client in coaching it's important to work together to establish and agree what this gap is. Here we demonstrate this process. "The Gap" is concept coined by Fred Koffman
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Episode 48 - Coaching Demonstration using the CLEAR model.
When you're learning how to coach people, using a coaching conversation structure is a great way to ensure you help your client to get the insight, learning and outcomes they're looking for.
In this video we demonstrate how to use the CLEAR model to hold an effective coaching conversation.
Love coaching? Come and join our Facebook Group "The Coaching Crowd" at www.facebook.com/groups/thecoachingcrowd
Episode 47 - Transitioning from Corporate into a Career in Coaching
One of the questions we get asked all the time is "How do you transition from corporate to a career in coaching?"
We know the journey of transitioning careers if full of questions, concerns and wonder so we've recorded this video for those of you who are thinking about taking the leap from a corporate career to one as a coach.
If you've been playing with this idea, or have a plan to do this in the future, this is a must watch for you. Enjoy!
Love coaching? Come and join our Facebook Group "The Coaching Crowd" at www.facebook.com/groups/thecoachingcrowd
Episode 46 - Intuition in Coaching
Intuition is an important, yet sometimes overlooked, skill in coaching. In this week's coaching resource Jo and Zoe discuss what intuition is, and how to use more of it in coaching. So tune in and see what you can learn about your intuition.
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Episode 45 - How coaching can help you in your career
Intuition is an important, yet sometimes overlooked, skill in coaching. In this week's coaching resource Jo and Zoe discuss what intuition is, and how to use more of it in coaching. So tune in and see what you can learn about your intuition. Love coaching? Come and join our Facebook Group "The Coaching Crowd" at www.facebook.com/groups/thecoachingcrowd
Episode 44 - Reflective Practice
Reflective practice is a core skill in coaching, it helps us to learn and integrate all of our skills and strengths as well as exploring what is possible for us in the future. A great coach and leader to that matter, is also a great reflective practitioner so tune in here to listen to our discussion on the value of reflective practice and how to do it well.
Love coaching? Come and join our Facebook Group "The Coaching Crowd" at www.facebook.com/groups/thecoachingcrowd
Episode 43 - Coaching Mindset
We all have helpful and unhelpful mindsets and we often don’t recognise when we have fallen into the trap of thinking about the world from an unhelpful place.
Here we talk through some helpful mindsets and show you how you can invite your clients to try on these different mindsets so they can access new perspectives and get different results.
Love coaching? Join our Facebook group “The Coaching Crowd” at www.facebook.com/groups/thecoachingcrowd a community of coaches and aspiring coaches who come together to learn, grow and collaborate.
Episode 42 - Well Formed Outcomes
When you set goals in coaching it's important that the client feels they can achieve their goal.
Well formed outcomes is a process from NLP that helps the client to set goals they are fully in control of, it's a powerful goal setting process.
Love coaching? Come and join our Facebook Group "The Coaching Crowd" at www.facebook.com/groups/thecoachingcrowd
Episode 41 - The Drama Triangle
The Drama Triangle is a concept from Transactional Analysis that explains how people can get drawn into unhealthy or unhelpful patterns of behaviour in relationship.
We all experience drama triangles at some point in our relationships but when you have the awareness of what this drama looks like you can start to take steps to remove yourself from drama and create more helpful and healthy roles and relationships in your and your clients lives. In this video we explain what the drama triangle is and what some alternative roles can look like.
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Episode 40 - Transactional Analysis Drivers
Transactional Analysis is one of the fields you can use in coaching to help your clients have a deeper understanding of themselves, others and their relationships. Drivers are a concept that help us to understand our automatic behaviours in relation to stress. Here Zoe and Jo share what drivers are and how to use them in coaching.
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Episode 39 - The Comfort Zone
Humans are hard wired to avoid discomfort and in this coaching activity we show you how you can help people to understand and normalise the feelings of discomfort associated with learning and move beyond them to grow your comfort zone and stretch into your potential.
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Episode 38 - Team Coaching Activity
Building trust in a team and developing strong relationships can take time but with this team coaching activity, when facilitated well, you can build deep relationships quickly to enable you team to feel bonded and able to do great work together.
You can use this activity at the start of a meeting, or with a new team to bring people together and inspire trust and confidence. Take a look to learn more
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Episode 37 - The OSKAR Coaching Model
We love coaching models and in this video we share with you OSKAR.
Using a coaching model is a great way to structure a coaching conversation so it is effective and leads the coaches to a place where they can take confident action.
Similar to it's peers GROW, CLEAR, and OSCAR (with a 'C') there is something to learn from all of these models.
Love coaching? Come and join our Facebook Group "The Coaching Crowd" at www.facebook.com/groups/thecoachingcrowd
Episode 36 - The Feelings Wheel
Understanding our emotions is important for being able to move through them. Emotions are data, they tell us about our unmet needs and the more we can learn to tune in to these needs, the more easily we can let emotions pass. In this video, we share a simple tool for helping us to understand and take cues from our emotions. It's a tool that creates an easy way to open up and talk about the emotions we're experiencing. Great for coaches and leaders!
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Episode 35 - SBI Feedback Model
One of the topics that comes up in coaching a lot from leaders is how to give feedback. There are lots of reasons why leaders might find it challenging and often this is about their own relationship with feedback and what it feels like to them when they receive it. But, one of the simplest things we can do in coaching is to offer our clients a framework they can use to deliver high quality, effective feedback. Here we share the SBI model. A popular and common feedback model.
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Episode 34 - Coaching Supervision
Coaching Supervision is about deepening your coaching expertise, extending your vision to be able to take a helicopter view of what's happening within your relationship with your client and in your clients world. Coaching Supervision is a playground for learning and developing your skills as a coach. Take a look at this video and learn more as we walk you through some of the questions and angles we might explore in a supervision session.
Episode 33 - TA, Recognition and Coaching
Recognition is an innate human need and helping people to get their recognition needs met and fulfilled plays an important part of coaching. Int his short video we share the different types of recognition from the theory of Transactional Analysis and share a short demo showing how this can be useful in coaching.
Episode 32 - Ego States - TA Tool
Ego States is a concept from Transactional Analysis that helps us to understand how we communicate. In coaching we use this to help us to understand our role in conflict, misunderstandings and other scenarios where we feel communication has "gone wrong". Understanding Ego States can help us to be in control of of communication and ensure we are inviting the response we desire. In this video we explain what Ego States are and demonstrate how to use them in coaching.
Episode 31 - Cognitive Behavioural Coaching
Cognitive Behavioural Coaching helps us to understand the connection between our thoughts, our feelings and our behaviour, so that we can take action to interrupt automatic thinking patterns and instead make choices that are more helpful to us. In this video we show you a demonstration of how you can use Cognitive Behavioural Coaching in a coaching conversation
Episode 30 - Beliefs and Coaching
An important part of coaching is about creating sustainable behaviour change, and one way we do this in coaching is to help people to understand and challenge beliefs they have that no longer serve them, and instead, develop, new more empowering beliefs. In this video we share more about what beliefs are, how they influence our behaviour and how we use them in coaching
Episode 29 - Understanding Coaching Qualifications
Trying to choose the right coaching qualification is confusing. With so many options available it's hard to understand the differences between all the available courses. So in this video we help you to understand the differences between the available coaching qualifications so you can decide which is right for you
Episode 28 - Understanding Accreditation
When you're thinking of becoming a coach there are so many options to choose from it can be overwhelming, and the more you research the more questions you have. One question we know that comes up a lot is "what is accreditation all about?" and in this video we help you to understand what accreditation is and the difference between course accreditation and coach accreditation. If you're thinking of training to be a coach, this is a must watch.
Episode 27 - Reflection and Journalling Questions
Reflecting and Journalling are great ways to help you process what's going on in the world, to find gratitude, to learn and grow.
There are many benefits for our mental health and wellbeing. In this video Jo and Zoe share a number of questions and prompts that you can use you reflect and journal.
Episode 26 - Ways to fill your practice
Whether you are thinking of training to be a coach or you're a coach already, one thing that is often on your mind is how to get clients. In this short video we share with you some simple ways to attract clients to you. When I first started out as a coach 10 years ago I relied solely on my network to find clients and whilst this was successful, when I was busy with clients I had less time to network and so my pipeline of clients was unstable. Today there are lots of ways to get clients and we hope you find some ideas here.
Episode 25 - Coaching Model - GROW Demo
If you've heard of coaching, you've probably heard of the coaching model GROW, but have you seen it in action? Do you know how to use it? Do you feel confident using it? In this video, Jo and Zoe walk you through the GROW model using a real and live example and show you how to hold simple yet effective coaching conversations that lead to empowered action
Episode 24 - Coaching and the Pandemic
As we record this we are in the midst of a sustained global pandemic. What we see from our work is that people are struggling and are fatigued. It's not easy on anyone and coaching is a great way to support people. In this episode we share insights of what our clients have been bringing to coaching and how coaching is helping to support people during the pandemic
Episode 23 - Courageous Coaching
To be a great coach, bring courage to your work. In our experience as coaches, clients want to be challenged, they want to explore their learning edges and grow into their potential.
Sometimes, to do that, you need to ask really challenging questions, that might feel risky.
Courage in coaching is a core skill, take a look at this video to see the ways we bring courage to coaching.
Episode 22 - Coaching Decisions
When someone is trying to make a decision a coach/mentor can often feel a bit helpless. Short of weighing up the pro's and con's it can feel like there's little you can do to help. However, when you really apply the skills of coaching you can approach decision making in so many creative ways that you'll be helping your client to find clarity in no time. If you're a leader, you'll also pick up some tools here for helping team members with those tricky decisions, and I'm pretty confident we can all learn a bit about ourselves here too. Take a look :)
Episode 21 - Coaching Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal emotion but when we're experiencing it, it can feel frightening.
As coaches, mentors and leaders, we work with many clients who experience anxiety and there are a number of ways to enable clients to process this emotion and think with clarity and confidence.
Take a look at this video to learn some of the ways you can support people experiencing anxiety
Episode 20 - Coaching Executives
Coaching executives in many ways is similar to all coaching, but there are some important differences when working with very senior leaders and executives. In this video we talk about the differences of working with executives and some of the skills that a coach needs bring in their work here. We share the sorts of topics that executives bring and also what you can expect from a coaching relationship.
Episode 19 - Confidence Coaching
Feeling like you have a lack of confidence is really common and the topic comes up in coaching regularly. There are many ways to approach helping people with their confidence and in the video we share several ways to approach the topic of confidence and how to work with people on this issue.
Episode 18 - OSCAR Coaching Model
Coaching models are great for structuring powerful and effective conversations. You have probably heard of GROW, this is a great model. In this video we share with you OSCAR, another simple yet powerful structure for holding effective conversations. Great for line managers, HR and coaches!
Episode 16 - Representational Systems, Using Language in Coaching
Coaching is about listening and asking questions, and when you look at coaching in depth, it can be so much more than that. How do you ask the right questions? How do you make your client feel truly heard and supported. Using language to match your clients model of the world can really help to create deep trusting relationships as well as using language to challenge and stretch your clients skill and competence. Take a look at this video to see how you can use representational systems to help develop effective coaching skills.
Episode 17 - 10 Great Questions for Line Managers
Line managers are at the front line of engaging and motivating their teams. Right now, September 2020, we're in the midst of a global pandemic and it's even harder for line managers to engage, inspire and motivate people through an almost completely virtual world. Realistically no one has the answer to how to engage and motivate in these circumstances, but there are things you can do. Here we share 10 great questions that line managers can use to hold powerful conversation with their team in their regular team meetings.
Episode 14 - Content Free Questions, Coaching Model
Coaching models are popular for helping leaders to coach their team members, or for HR to guide their stakeholders, but many leaders are nervous about what they may 'evoke' in people, particularly if topics seem overly emotional. In this coaching resource we share with you a coaching model that requires very little content. It consists of 16 great questions that leads a coachee from their issue to action. Great for leaders, HR and coaches alike, give it a try!
Episode 15 - Clean Language Coaching Questions
Using clean language in coaching is powerful because it removes bias and judgement from your coaching and enables the client to access thinking which they almost certainly wouldn't have done before. The questions may seem strange at first but with a little practice you'll be weaving them into your coaching. So, if you're a coach looking to deepen your skills and add something new to your approach, clean language is a great place to take a look. Start here with this resource.
Episode 12 - Obstacle Analysis Grid
In this video we share with you a simple and effective coaching tool for identifying obstacles that are getting in the way of you achieving a goal. It helps people you are coaching to identify barriers that they may have been previously unaware and gives you a structure for doing this well. It's simple and powerful, give it a try!
Episode 13 - Johari Window Coaching Model
The Johari Window is well known in leadership development, and it can also be used as a powerful coaching model/tool for helping people to raise their self awareness, discover their potential and challenge those aspects of themselves that they keep hidden. Take a look at us explaining how to use the Johari Window in coaching.
Episode 10 - How to break down a goal in coaching
Goals are an important part of coaching, often clients arrive at coaching with vague ideas about what they want to achieve, or really big goals that they want but have no idea where to start. One of the skills we bring as coaches is the ability to break the goals down into steps to help our clients build momentum and to keep them out of overwhelm and firmly in action. In this video we walk through a process of breaking down a goal into smaller steps.
Episode 11 - Zones of Exploration Coaching Tool
In this video we share with you the 'zones of exploration' coaching tool, which works as a great framework for a coaching conversation. You can use this as an alternative to the commonly used model GROW, or simply become familiar with the zones to use throughout coaching conversations. Each 'zone of exploration' helps the client (or you) to explore your topic from a different perspective, helping you to gain fresh insight and learning and ultimately decide what action to take.
Episode 8 - Closing questions for coaching conversations
Sometimes the most simple and basic coaching skills are the most powerful. In this video we share with you a range of closing questions that you can use to wrap up your coaching session and enhance the learning experience for your clients.
Episode 9 - Coaching with Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is a core leadership skill and it's absolutely critical in coaching. Today we share with you an emotional intelligence model from Daniel Goleman and show you how you can use this as a coaching tool in your coaching conversations with clients, leaders and peers.
Episode 7 - Opening Questions for coaching conversations
In this coaching resource we are sharing a sample of good 'opening questions' that you can use to set the right tone for a coaching conversation. We talk about the difference these questions make to the direction of a coaching conversation and towards the end share some questions that may take your conversation in a different or unwanted direction. (Spot the deliberate mistake a few seconds in - I have ILM coaching qualifications on the brain!!!!)
Episode 6 - Coaching Model CLEAR (alternative to GROW)
Looking for an alternative to the coaching model GROW? Or perhaps a way to structure a simple coaching conversation. Here Jo and I share a coaching model with you called CLEAR, which walks you through the steps to having an effective coaching conversation. It's simple and easy to use, and many people with work with comment of the fluidity of the model. It flows well - give it a try and expand your coaching skills.
Episode 5 - Coaching Basics, Exploring the Gap
Coaching is all about helping people to get to the source of what's challenging them, and to focus on the habits, behaviours, beliefs or mindsets that are going to enable the biggest shifts. Sometimes the techniques used in coaching are simple and this is one technique that coaches, leaders, HR and change professionals can use to help people to focus their efforts in the right place.
Episode 4 - Effective Contracting for Coaching Conversations
Contracting is a key skill in coaching and one which all coaches, no matter what level of experience they have, need pay attention to. Contracting is the key to creating a safe space for the work to between coach and coaches to take place. Here we talk about 3 elements of contracting, professional, procedural and psychological. It's a great resource for new and experienced coaches.
Episode 3 - Gestalt Cycle of Awareness
The Gestalt Cycle of Awareness is a tool we can use in coaching to help clients understand where they may be getting stuck in the pursuit of their goals. If you, or your clients are finding that you're not achieving that way you would like to, this cycle is a great resource for understanding what may be happening and then working out how to tackle it.
Episode 2 - Relationship Values
What makes a good relationship? Having good relationships is central to our wellbeing and fulfilment in many areas of life. Here we talk about how you can discover and understand your relationship values to build strong and long lasting relationships. This applies to both work and personal relationships and is a great activity for yourself, or to facilitate as a coach or leader.
Episode 1.1 - 8 Needs in a Relationship
What are your relationship needs? Relationships are our lifeblood, everything we do, we do in relationship, be it in work, in romance or in friendship, understanding our needs is critical to building long lasting relationships that enable us to thrive. So, here we talk through "8 needs in a relationship", a gestalt exercise that you can use for yourself or with your team/clients. Let us know what you learn in the comments :)
Episode 1 - Values Elicitation
Understanding, knowing and working with your values is a big part of coaching and personal/professional development and transformation. In this video we explain what values are, demonstrate how to elicit your values and what to do with them once you know them! This is a great activity to do for yourself as well as to facilitate as a coach or leader